Is there such a thing as guilt-free pasta? Yes, and no. Enter Spaghetti Squash. I know you all probably heard about spaghetti squash and how people substitute this vegetable for pasta. Sounds crazy right? At first, I was very skeptical, but I always like to try something at least once. I’ll be the first to say the first time I made spaghetti squash it was a watery mess, and only left me hungry and wanting to eat real pasta! I didn’t let that stop me, and did some more troubleshooting until I figured out the perfect recipe.
5 Reasons to Start Drinking Matcha!
Happy February! We made it through our first month of the year! Let’s check in on your goals? Hopefully, we are all still striving for greatness. You know #NewYearNewMe? I can say I successfully have gotten back in the gym this week. Yes, it did take me about a good 4 weeks to do it, but it doesn’t matter because‚I’m in there now.
Another one of my goals this year entailed breaking up with Starbucks to help me save some money. I know it sounds crazy, how was I going to survive without my daily cup from the Green Goddess. Instead of going cold turkey and stopping all my visits I wanted to treat Starbucks more as a treat/pick me up.